www.iav-mapping.net Finnish Environment Institute

The www.iav-mapping.net website

The website www.iav-mapping.net is managed by the Climate Solutions unit at the Finnish Environment Institute (Syke) and contains the following portals:


The copyright of material presented on the www.iav-mapping.net website belongs to the Finnish Environment Institute (Syke), unless otherwise specified. Syke falls under the auspices of Finland's environmental administration. Material from these pages may be used or linked to other sites, on the condition that a reference is given to this site. The copyright on photographs, diagrams and maps may belong to the photographer, artist or cartographer, or to the admininstration. Anyone wishing to use any such material presented on this website should contact the website editors to make a specific agreement. Similar agreements must also be made on the use of any of material presented here for commercial purposes.

Climate Solutions unit | Finnish Environment Institute (Syke)